A little more than a year ago, a bunch of friends and I got together to produce an animated short for a yearly CGSociety competition. The theme that year was 'Alien & Human Relations" and we produced Coffee Break for which we received 2nd place in the Team Video category as well as a recognition for animation.
Just last night, our team (compacted to 4 members from the 11 that worked on Coffee reak) put the finishing touches on this year's CGSociety competition entry.
The theme: Secret Agent. A genre that has been mined to death any way you look at it. Only the most foolish of FOOLS would dare think that they could bring anything new to it! ... but maaaaybe WE could be the ones to do it!
I humbly present to you, The Bronson Maneuver.
The Bronson Maneuver - Theatrical Teaser from Mike McCain on Vimeo.
The Bronson Maneuver from Mike McCain on Vimeo.